Wednesday, March 4, 2009

5 Fundamentals of Foosball Video Blog

I've been playing the game of foosball / table soccer for many more years than i care to share (yet) - maybe a few more blog posts and/or beer later, and i'll tell ya.  anyways. 

I play table soccer at a professionsal level, attend many national and international level tournmanets each year.

I'm very soft spoken, and don't stand out much, so even though you might be into the game, you probably never heard of me, so here's a few things about me that might lend some credibility to what i'm going to be stuffing into these blog posts.

I was the first Canadian to make it to a Pro-Master ranking on the USTSA Foosball Tour.

I've played for the Canadian National team in both World Cups, and have represented Canada as Canada's National Champion many times.  Even taking silver at the 2006 ITSF World Championships of Table Soccer in Italy with fellow Canadian suppah-star Mario Ariganello.

At major tournaments, i've beaten many of the best players in Open Singles like Terry Moore, Robert Mares, Fredrico Collignon, and in Doubles beaten many pro-master level teams.  

Highest finishes includes 5th in Open Doubles, and 5th in Championship Singles - again these are major tournaments worth $100,000 or more.

So enough about me, and why i might know what i'm talking about. 

I'm a golfer as well, and after reading, "Steve Elkington's Five Fundamentals of Golf ".  I thought a similar thing could be done for foosball as well.  Combine that with the fact that I got a video camera (with a nice 1 touch upload to youtube button) for my birthday, i thought it might be a good idea to combine the two, and create this Video Blog, called "5 Fundamentals of Foosball"

So here's the first entry - which is a Introduction to the 5 fundamentals, where I quickly touch on each fundamental,and later on, in videos soon to come, I will go into further detail.

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Demonstration

Hope you enjoy it, and come back for more.


Matt said...

I'm looking forward to Part 3 because it is the part of the game with the least structured advice for improving. I have rarely/never heard any methodical approach for breaking down/reading a defense.

Alyssa said...

Very valuable information, it is not at all blogs that we find this, congratulations I was looking for something like that and found it here. !! foosball shots