Thursday, June 4, 2009

Commentary on my Pro Singles Final at the US Open

At the Warrior US Open Foosball tournament, in Atanta, GA (some time back in April i think), i made it to the finals of Pro Singles.   With the permission of InsideFoos, i've been able to take their video and add my own commentary to the match.

My opponent is Chris Harrington, one of the players interviewed in the ESPN article i mentioned last blog entry.   Scary player.

Final was best 2 out of 3 - so first to win 2 games wins the match.

Here's Games 1 and 2

Game 3 - Part 1

Game 3 - Part 2

Again big thanks to inside foos for shipping me out the dvd as soon as it was possible, and as bad luck would have it, I was sent away on business and was not able to do my voice over / editing until i returned, a couple of weeks later.    Hopefully you enjoyed it.

When i get the full set of DVDs from the US Open, there should be a match or two of me and Jeep in Open Doubles, where i'll be able to provide another voice over version, and post it here.  It's been a while, but hopefully i'll be able to remember some of the interesting bits.

The Foosball Master Tour aired today on the Versus Network but i'm so pissed that i can't see it, cause we don't get Versus here in Canada.  So far reports have been good.

Oh, also i'm on twitter.  Follow foosghost