My opponent is Chris Harrington, one of the players interviewed in the ESPN article i mentioned last blog entry. Scary player.
Final was best 2 out of 3 - so first to win 2 games wins the match.
Here's Games 1 and 2
Game 3 - Part 1
Game 3 - Part 2
Again big thanks to inside foos for shipping me out the dvd as soon as it was possible, and as bad luck would have it, I was sent away on business and was not able to do my voice over / editing until i returned, a couple of weeks later. Hopefully you enjoyed it.
When i get the full set of DVDs from the US Open, there should be a match or two of me and Jeep in Open Doubles, where i'll be able to provide another voice over version, and post it here. It's been a while, but hopefully i'll be able to remember some of the interesting bits.
The Foosball Master Tour aired today on the Versus Network but i'm so pissed that i can't see it, cause we don't get Versus here in Canada. So far reports have been good.
Oh, also i'm on twitter. Follow foosghost